We the Rosies

We the Rosies calling all makers to reimagine Rosie the Riveter

Rosie is Complete!

Our giant Rosie the Riveter sculpture was assembled and finally completed during NOMCON, in Santa Fe this June. We quite literally could not have pulled off this incredible feat without you! Over 700 people printed 2,625 parts, which were sent to us from six continents around the world.

We owe a huge thanks to our friends at Tested, Adafruit, Nation of Makers, and countless others for helping spread the word across the global maker community. Digital Harbor Foundation, Open Works, Smartlogic, and Direct Dimensions helped support the project in our home city of Baltimore. And finally, the amazing team at Make Santa Fe who painstakingly logged and received all 2,625 pieces as they arrived via post, plus the dozens of volunteers at NOMCON who helped us assemble giant Rosie in just 48 harrowing hours.

All of the stories shared on social media, the messages written on (and inside) pieces you sent us, and getting hands-on with everyone on Build Day are the reasons why we do what we do -- it's about collaboration and community, and we love sharing that experience with the world!

Next Projects

We have big plans to make more sculptures in more places, and some other cool projects in the pipeline. If you like what we do and want to help support future We the Builders efforts, we just launched our official GoFundMe campaign! Check it out, and please share!

For anyone interested in hosting an existing sculpture or commissioning a new sculpture for your event or city, there's now an easy way to get in touch with our We the Builders project interest form.

Finally, don't forget to sign up for our mailing list to be notified about the next project you can be a part of. (We're real people, and take spamming very seriously. We promise to only contact you with project updates.)

Rosie in Social Media

Thanks to everyone who shared the project and their contributions around the web! Here are a few of our favorites:

Make Your Own Rosie!

Want to make a Rosie the Riveter project of your own?

You can download an STL of the completed Rosie the Riveter model!

This model is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license.

Clay sculpture of Rosie the Riveter created by Jen Schachter

Welcome to We The Builders

We make crowd-sourced 3d printed sculptures out of hundreds - or in this case, thousands of parts, printed all over the world by people like you!

This year, for our fifth project, we're going big - really big. To celebrate the contributions and diverse identities of women and non-binary makers, we’re scaling up a sculpture of Rosie the Riveter to monument-size and printing her in a spectrum of skintones. The sculpture will be over six feet tall and made up of 2,625 parts - and we need everyone in the maker community (regardless of your gender identity) to help us 3d print them!

***IMPORTANT: In order to have all the parts in time to build the sculpture, please ship no later than Friday June 1st!***

Even if you don’t have a 3d printer, there are lots of ways to get involved. Check out all the details below:

See how Builders all over the world are making We the Rosies a reality!

Print a Part!

Anyone with access to a 3d printer can download and print a part for the sculpture. Start by signing in with your Google account and clicking the "Give me a File to Print" button above.

  • To celebrate the range of identities of today's makers, all parts should be printed in skintones. It doesn't have to be your own - remember we are trying to celebrate diversity!
    Skintone filament colors
  • We love having our builders send us parts in all kinds of materials. Our past projects have included parts made from ABS, PLA, PHA, wood, resin, metal plated, UV reactive, bronze filled, glow-in-the-dark, and multicolor dyed and filament-swapped parts. Feel free to use whatever materials you want, but please make sure they are some shade of skintone to fit with our theme!
  • Once printed, send us a photo of your part, along with the dimensions and ship it to us! You'll see the shipping address as soon as you've submitted your part's photo and measurements.
  • Check out the How it Works page for the full breakdown.
  • Several filament manufacturers are offering discounts to support the project:
    • MatterHackers is offering 5% off everything (excluding Ultimaker merchandise). Follow this link and enter ROSIETHEHACKER at checkout.
    • DeltaMaker is offering $9 off brown, gold (tan), and natural filament. Use code ROSIE at checkout.
  • All parts must be shipped by Friday June 1st in order to be part of the build! Make sure you act fast! If you claim a piece and don't mark it as "shipped" within a few days, it will be released so someone else can claim it.

Share a video!

Diverse women and non-binary makers, we want to hear from you! We know the popular image of Rosie the Riveter doesn’t represent the wide spectrum of identities of today’s makers. We need your voices to help us reimagine Rosie, and shape a new narrative about who she could and should be. And you don't just have to be in 3D printing! We want to hear from woodworkers and welders, crafters and coders, engineers and educators - anyone who creates. If you're not a woman or non-binary maker, help us celebrate and uplift the voices of those in your community - offer to hold the camera, and ask them to share their story. This is a moment for them to shine!

Use your phone or camera to respond to these two prompts in a short video:

  • Rosie is often seen as a symbol of women’s empowerment: How does the act of making empower you?
  • We recognize the complicated history and symbolism of Rosie in terms of who she did and did not represent. Who would Rosie the Riveter be in 2018?

Post your video to social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube using the hashtags: #wetherosies #wethebuilders #nomcon . You can also share your photos on our Facebook Page or on Twitter #wethebuilders!

Follow all the inspiring stories at walls.io/wetherosies which showcases posts from all across the web.

Host a Print’n Share event!

Host an event for women and non-binary makers at your makerspace, library, school or community center with a 3d printer. Help makers share their stories and bring new traffic to your space.

  • **New Team feature** Sign up with this form to create your team. Send invites to your teammates. Share what you have built, together!
  • Invite folks to claim a part, help print it with them, and set up a camera or smartphone tripod so people can record and post their own videos.
  • You can download and customize a full marketing package here including fliers and banners scaled for social media.
  • We also created a youtube playlist about Rosie history you can screen at your events.
  • Get the word out! Make sure you share your events using hashtags above.

What can you do if you’re not a woman or non-binary maker but you want to get involved?

Please print a part! We need everyone to bring this vision to reality. As for the video - help us celebrate and uplift the voices of women and non-binary makers in your community. (And they don't just have to be in 3D printing.) We want to hear from anyone who creates. Offer to hold the camera and ask them to share their story to #wetherosies. This is a moment for them to shine!

Final sculpture assembly

The exciting culmination of this project will take place during NOMCON, a convening of maker, hacker, technology, and crafts leaders hosted by Nation of Makers happening in Santa Fe, NM this June. Stay tuned for live coverage from the event, as well as a video documenting the build process with some special guests!

About the project

We the Builders brings together 3D printer operators from all over the world to create sculptures that inspire makers. Our sculptures have toured maker-related events of all sizes around the northeastern United States, from local STEAM education events all the way to the White House. The group was founded during a hackathon in 2014 by Todd Blatt and Marty McGuire.

If you're a fan of our work and want to help support this and future projects, you can support us on GoFundMe or donate directly via the PayPal link below. Since we are not a registered non-profit – just some makers funding this out of our own pockets – donations are not tax-deductible, but we are so grateful for any contributions - whether they are monetary, or just a gift of your time and space! We the Builders does not exist without people like you!

You can also grab a t-shirt featuring a rendering of the 3D model we're using for this project here on Amazon. They're available with free shipping to those of you with Prime memberships, and are made on demand. Proceeds from the sale of these shirts go towards our continued efforts in making large crowd-sourced 3D printed sculptures, and toting them around to see you all.

Thank you to our supporters!

Special thanks to Smartlogic for their Baltimore Women in Tech microgrant that made this project possible, to Digital Harbor Foundation (where mini Rosie was sculpted) for their continued support of We the Builders, and to Sophie and Clara of Direct Dimensions for 3D scanning the original sculpture!

Sculptor Bio

Jen Schachter AKA @schac_attack

Jen Schachter is an artist and maker who brings her passion for collaborative public projects and a critical inquiry of the "maker movement" to work with We the Builders, Tested.com, Make: Magazine, and Nation of Makers. Jen went to school for fine art, but finds herself covered in sawdust and solder more often than paint these days. She gets her best, most epic ideas in the shower, washing off said sawdust, and will someday pursue her dream to build a hybrid pop-out workshop/tentfort/tinyhome inside a tourbus, and travel the continent.Jen is based in Baltimore, MD, where she is a resident at Open Works and a fellow at Robert W. Deutsch Foundation.

Jen sculpted the original Rosie bust in oil-based clay over a wire armature. At only 7" tall, the sculpture was 3d scanned, scaled up and sliced digitally into 2,625 printable pieces!

Team Contributors

Our thanks to all the teams who are making this project happen!

  • Filament Central (220 Parts) 220
  • MakerFX Makerspace (146 Parts) 146
  • Digital Harbor Foundation (111 Parts) 111
  • SYN Shop Hackerspace (38 Parts) 38
  • Open Works Baltimore (23 Parts) 23
  • Illinois MakerLab (7 Parts) 7
  • MakeMIA Makerspace (6 Parts) 6

Individual Contributors

Our thanks to all the individuals who are making this project happen!

  • Nic Giannandrea (95 Parts) 95
  • Digital Harbor Foundation (92 Parts) 92
  • Justin Flugum (75 Parts) 75
  • John Mak (66 Parts) 66
  • Harry Armstrong (59 Parts) 59
  • Paul Chase (57 Parts) 57
  • Jeff Driscoll (55 Parts) 55
  • U Do It (51 Parts) 51
  • Jon Dunfee (39 Parts) 39
  • JAT.MN (38 Parts) 38
  • Jim Leether (35 Parts) 35
  • Bryan Vines (35 Parts) 35
  • John Quandt (34 Parts) 34
  • David Waugh (32 Parts) 32
  • Rob Trescott (29 Parts) 29
  • Matthew LaBerge (28 Parts) 28
  • Robert Cook (27 Parts) 27
  • Brad Dudenhoffer (26 Parts) 26
  • Tanju Bayramoglu (25 Parts) 25
  • Krux (25 Parts) 25
  • Karen Ann Carter (24 Parts) 24
  • en3DStudios dotCOM (23 Parts) 23
  • Alex Tutusaus (23 Parts) 23
  • melissa kennedy (22 Parts) 22
  • Frank Owens (21 Parts) 21
  • David Taylor (21 Parts) 21
  • Becky Stern (19 Parts) 19
  • Diddy Wolf (18 Parts) 18
  • Mike “NLTMW” Fancy (18 Parts) 18
  • Chris Gamble (18 Parts) 18
  • Christian Restifo (17 Parts) 17
  • Acrimonious Mirth (17 Parts) 17
  • Amanda Driscoll (16 Parts) 16
  • Gary Lewandowski (16 Parts) 16
  • xXxSelnixxXx (16 Parts) 16
  • Willard Nelson (16 Parts) 16
  • Adrian Haber (15 Parts) 15
  • DesignMakeTeach (14 Parts) 14
  • Mark Phaedrus (13 Parts) 13
  • Jim Biesemeyer (13 Parts) 13
  • Chris Molitor (13 Parts) 13
  • Pete Prodoehl (13 Parts) 13
  • MakerDad Dave (12 Parts) 12
  • Bruce Brooks (12 Parts) 12
  • Scott Johnson (12 Parts) 12
  • Justin Arthur (12 Parts) 12
  • Scott McGraw (11 Parts) 11
  • Anita Nelson (11 Parts) 11
  • Gary Burkhardt (11 Parts) 11
  • Dorothy Jones-Davis (11 Parts) 11
  • Laird Popkin (11 Parts) 11
  • Amy Hurst (10 Parts) 10
  • Zelda's Fox (10 Parts) 10
  • Michael Rudinsky (10 Parts) 10
  • Ryan Priore (10 Parts) 10
  • Harold Pulcher (10 Parts) 10
  • Steve Gagnon (10 Parts) 10
  • Sam Welch (10 Parts) 10
  • Chris Gruttke (10 Parts) 10
  • Vicky Somma (10 Parts) 10
  • Edward Boston (10 Parts) 10
  • Iron Rex (9 Parts) 9
  • Darius McCoy (9 Parts) 9
  • Jeffrey Crews (9 Parts) 9
  • Jennifer Schachter (9 Parts) 9
  • Scott Wilkinson (8 Parts) 8
  • Kenzo Barlow (kzobarlow) (8 Parts) 8
  • Ben Salatin (8 Parts) 8
  • Wesley Manzer (8 Parts) 8
  • Ben Salatin (8 Parts) 8
  • Danny Pesses (8 Parts) 8
  • 3DLirious (8 Parts) 8
  • Matthew Griffin (8 Parts) 8
  • Forge F0R63 (8 Parts) 8
  • Lon Koenig (7 Parts) 7
  • Matthew Hungerford (7 Parts) 7
  • Ben Lewis (7 Parts) 7
  • Terry B. (7 Parts) 7
  • Robert Santella (7 Parts) 7
  • Mike Holden (7 Parts) 7
  • Chad Pavlekovich (6 Parts) 6
  • Thomas Sasala (6 Parts) 6
  • Soren Tromp (6 Parts) 6
  • Brian Rowe (6 Parts) 6
  • Blitz City DIY (6 Parts) 6
  • ilikenothingtoo (6 Parts) 6
  • Nasir Illasarie (6 Parts) 6
  • Paul Farquhar (6 Parts) 6
  • MakeMIA Makerspace (6 Parts) 6
  • Chris Crumpacker (6 Parts) 6
  • Brian Weber (6 Parts) 6
  • Justin Hopkins (6 Parts) 6
  • Catherine Hong (6 Parts) 6
  • Trenton Deacon (6 Parts) 6
  • Michaela Matocha (6 Parts) 6
  • ChrisTheViolaNerd (6 Parts) 6
  • Meagen Voss (6 Parts) 6
  • Halsare Snowpaw (6 Parts) 6
  • Lesley Farquhar (6 Parts) 6
  • Simon Franzén (5 Parts) 5
  • Vladimir Mariano (vla7) (5 Parts) 5
  • Dave Putz (5 Parts) 5
  • Elysia Schwartz (5 Parts) 5
  • Edward Boston (5 Parts) 5
  • Carra McClelland (5 Parts) 5
  • Andrew Bingham (5 Parts) 5
  • TheLaserGirls (5 Parts) 5
  • Alex Gao (5 Parts) 5
  • Steve Weber (5 Parts) 5
  • Elmo Clarity (5 Parts) 5
  • Noe Ruiz (5 Parts) 5
  • Emory Stagmer (5 Parts) 5
  • Narissa Saunders (5 Parts) 5
  • Vishal Sachdev (5 Parts) 5
  • Eddie Moser (5 Parts) 5
  • Kate Gombos (5 Parts) 5
  • Cyanne Edwards (5 Parts) 5
  • Liza Kholodkova (4 Parts) 4
  • T T (4 Parts) 4
  • Christine Margaux (4 Parts) 4
  • Mazuir Atteronious (4 Parts) 4
  • Paul Telford (4 Parts) 4
  • Panther Lab (4 Parts) 4
  • Peter Nelson (4 Parts) 4
  • Justin Treptow (4 Parts) 4
  • Chad Gallinat (4 Parts) 4
  • Chris Brent (4 Parts) 4
  • William Briscoe (4 Parts) 4
  • Timothy Weber (4 Parts) 4
  • KirkwoodPublicLib (4 Parts) 4
  • Nathan Brown (4 Parts) 4
  • Tee Vee (4 Parts) 4
  • NanoBotAstronaut (4 Parts) 4
  • Chris Brinker (4 Parts) 4
  • Patrick Toal (4 Parts) 4
  • rookyandb (4 Parts) 4
  • Andrew Cooper (4 Parts) 4
  • Joe Gravelle (4 Parts) 4
  • David Bussey (4 Parts) 4
  • Krista Inchausti (4 Parts) 4
  • Ethan Clark (4 Parts) 4
  • Marissa Morgan (4 Parts) 4
  • S Silver (4 Parts) 4
  • Wayne Wilson (4 Parts) 4
  • Sm Griff (3 Parts) 3
  • Bob Gould (3 Parts) 3
  • Elizabeth Jones (3 Parts) 3
  • Direct Dimensions (3 Parts) 3
  • heimdall gjallarhorn (3 Parts) 3
  • Kelly Faber (3 Parts) 3
  • Brady Fulton (ADAPT Shop Fabricator) (3 Parts) 3
  • Cat (3 Parts) 3
  • Raquel Davila (3 Parts) 3
  • David P (3 Parts) 3
  • JollyBuild 3d (3 Parts) 3
  • George Fetters (3 Parts) 3
  • Al Tofanelli (3 Parts) 3
  • Robert Steiner (3 Parts) 3
  • Seon Rozenblum (3 Parts) 3
  • A N (3 Parts) 3
  • Eric McCormick (3 Parts) 3
  • Saleem Banatwala (3 Parts) 3
  • Caitlin Chaffee (3 Parts) 3
  • Thomas Eck (3 Parts) 3
  • Tiffany Termini (3 Parts) 3
  • Morgan .Strongbow (3 Parts) 3
  • Gwendolyn Van Koningsveld (3 Parts) 3
  • Amanda Worrell (3 Parts) 3
  • Kyle Taylor (3 Parts) 3
  • Laura Taalman (3 Parts) 3
  • C H (3 Parts) 3
  • Sarah Stack (3 Parts) 3
  • J P (J83) (3 Parts) 3
  • Edu Petinal (3 Parts) 3
  • Matt Rardon (3 Parts) 3
  • Jef Lepine (3 Parts) 3
  • Joshua Dockins (3 Parts) 3
  • Kristin Leah Swetland (3 Parts) 3
  • April Walsh (3 Parts) 3
  • Christopher Hoffman (3 Parts) 3
  • Jocelyn Kolb (3 Parts) 3
  • Joe Arnold (3 Parts) 3
  • Katie Link (3 Parts) 3
  • Eileen McMahon (3 Parts) 3
  • Jason Mickelson (3 Parts) 3
  • Jeanne Marshall (3 Parts) 3
  • Jonathan Schmid (3 Parts) 3
  • Marcus Palm (3 Parts) 3
  • Thom Barclay (3 Parts) 3
  • Robert Colbert (3 Parts) 3
  • Toni Ryan (3 Parts) 3
  • Tommy Martinez (3 Parts) 3
  • Shawn Rucker (3 Parts) 3
  • Marty McGuire (3 Parts) 3
  • Amanda Krumrine (3 Parts) 3
  • Front Desk (3 Parts) 3
  • Saganaki (3 Parts) 3
  • Maker Block (3 Parts) 3
  • Geetika Sharma (2 Parts) 2
  • Los Alamos Makers (2 Parts) 2
  • Porter Bots (2 Parts) 2
  • Daniel Billeci (2 Parts) 2
  • Nerea Buxton (2 Parts) 2
  • Sergey Chernyshev (2 Parts) 2
  • Tom Haake (2 Parts) 2
  • Jonathan Sparks (2 Parts) 2
  • Michael Baker (2 Parts) 2
  • Peter Oehler (2 Parts) 2
  • Dano Wall (2 Parts) 2
  • Emily Joy Zeller (2 Parts) 2
  • Jim Stana (2 Parts) 2
  • Amy Farkas (2 Parts) 2
  • Virginia Barlow (2 Parts) 2
  • Mark VandeWettering (2 Parts) 2
  • Kimberly Sanders (2 Parts) 2
  • Andy Stetzinger (2 Parts) 2
  • Amie DD (2 Parts) 2
  • Kendra Sweitzer (2 Parts) 2
  • Heather Lister (2 Parts) 2
  • Hari Wiguna (2 Parts) 2
  • David Brown (2 Parts) 2
  • Rebecca Orth (2 Parts) 2
  • Marshall Bronfin (2 Parts) 2
  • Andy Castille (2 Parts) 2
  • Tony Galle (2 Parts) 2
  • TOPE designs (2 Parts) 2
  • Jen Schachter (2 Parts) 2
  • Phillip Kearney (2 Parts) 2
  • avarenity (2 Parts) 2
  • Rose Scordo (2 Parts) 2
  • Mike Stallings (2 Parts) 2
  • Vanessa Wilbur (2 Parts) 2
  • Grace Sanchez (2 Parts) 2
  • Gamer 260 (2 Parts) 2
  • Scott Summerour (2 Parts) 2
  • Stefania Sharp (2 Parts) 2
  • Gordon Clark (2 Parts) 2
  • Charles E Robinson (2 Parts) 2
  • James Bennett (2 Parts) 2
  • Eitan Cher (2 Parts) 2
  • Alyssa Swart (2 Parts) 2
  • Robert Riggs (2 Parts) 2
  • Liv Worthington (2 Parts) 2
  • Tre' Ridings (2 Parts) 2
  • Kevin “Wirekat” Thomas (2 Parts) 2
  • Vishal Sachdev (2 Parts) 2
  • John McCann (2 Parts) 2
  • Jacob Gaietto (2 Parts) 2
  • faiman486 (2 Parts) 2
  • Ben Gruver (2 Parts) 2
  • Karen Blumberg (2 Parts) 2
  • David Allen (2 Parts) 2
  • Jen Bishop (2 Parts) 2
  • Gemma Henderson (2 Parts) 2
  • Michael Plezbert (2 Parts) 2
  • Christopher Gosnell (2 Parts) 2
  • Brian k (2 Parts) 2
  • Noah Li-leger (2 Parts) 2
  • Matt Cory (2 Parts) 2
  • MDAH Exhibits (2 Parts) 2
  • Alex Grise (2 Parts) 2
  • ryan epic (2 Parts) 2
  • Mark Sanders (2 Parts) 2
  • Kevin Reed (2 Parts) 2
  • Aaron Hampson (2 Parts) 2
  • Westley Wood (2 Parts) 2
  • Eric Kerin (2 Parts) 2
  • Sven Watson (2 Parts) 2
  • Top Dollar (2 Parts) 2
  • Pete Kastner (2 Parts) 2
  • Patrick Ham (2 Parts) 2
  • Sara Eck (2 Parts) 2
  • John Riney (2 Parts) 2
  • Ryan Bassett (2 Parts) 2
  • Chris Russell (2 Parts) 2
  • Jim Restel (2 Parts) 2
  • Ian Worthington (2 Parts) 2
  • Nithin Shenoy (2 Parts) 2
  • Cameron Armijo (2 Parts) 2
  • Patrick Dugan (2 Parts) 2
  • Factory Two (2 Parts) 2
  • Darin Jett (2 Parts) 2
  • Adrianna Holden-Gouveia (2 Parts) 2
  • Dan Dangremond (2 Parts) 2
  • Megan Gravelle (2 Parts) 2
  • Max Salemi (2 Parts) 2
  • Laura Martino (1 Part)
  • Christopher Doody (1 Part)
  • Ian Cole (1 Part)
  • Leah Hamilton (1 Part)
  • Jessica Simons (1 Part)
  • Raven Christopher (1 Part)
  • MatterHackers Media (1 Part)
  • Eric Langhorst (1 Part)
  • Matt Riley (1 Part)
  • Kevin Ormechea (1 Part)
  • Jonathon Levin (1 Part)
  • Erik Nauman (1 Part)
  • Taylor Goehring (1 Part)
  • Richard Freytag (1 Part)
  • Brandon Martin (1 Part)
  • Joe File (1 Part)
  • Scott Moll (1 Part)
  • sp h (1 Part)
  • Anthony Smith (1 Part)
  • Wade Bartlett (1 Part)
  • William Hiebert (1 Part)
  • Lisa McNair (1 Part)
  • Luis Pena (1 Part)
  • Shawn Wilson (1 Part)
  • Che Edoga (1 Part)
  • Rich Nelson (1 Part)
  • Dallin Graham (1 Part)
  • Sam Bard (1 Part)
  • Matthew Fochs (1 Part)
  • Craig Rude (1 Part)
  • Todd Blatt (1 Part)
  • Mecca L (1 Part)
  • Alexa Fischer (1 Part)
  • Joe Borrello (1 Part)
  • Katya Stepanov (1 Part)
  • Matt Weber (3D Reefer) (1 Part)
  • Anthony Martin (1 Part)
  • Mike Thomas (1 Part)
  • April Lewis (1 Part)
  • Alicia Thomas (1 Part)
  • Deb Jansen (1 Part)
  • Elizabeth Kreig (1 Part)
  • Matt Thornton (1 Part)
  • Ian Cole (1 Part)
  • Keira Jackson (1 Part)
  • Jes Romero (1 Part)
  • Nicholas Loiacano (1 Part)
  • Lori Lococo (1 Part)
  • Justin Dyck (1 Part)
  • sadan wani (1 Part)
  • Maria Iannucci (1 Part)
  • calum wherity (1 Part)
  • Mike Hinkle (1 Part)
  • Joe Bieniecki (1 Part)
  • Samantha Driscoll (1 Part)
  • Hugocraft (1 Part)
  • Jason Hubbard (1 Part)
  • Ramona Kline (1 Part)
  • Pen (1 Part)
  • Floyd Freed (Floyd Does) (1 Part)
  • Kelly Egan (1 Part)
  • Bill White (1 Part)
  • Benjamin Fogle (1 Part)
  • ANDY AUSTIN (1 Part)
  • Welmoed Sisson (1 Part)
  • Sarah Boyle (1 Part)
  • Decatur Makers (1 Part)
  • Heather Chen (1 Part)
  • Scott Torres (1 Part)
  • Kathryn Newing (1 Part)
  • Dalyah Ronzio (1 Part)
  • Mike's Tiny Shop (1 Part)
  • Sydnee Hamrick (1 Part)
  • Sam Dischner (1 Part)
  • Mary Montag (1 Part)
  • Eric Zago (1 Part)
  • Twisty Tex (1 Part)
  • Joel Bonasera (1 Part)
  • Jeanju You (1 Part)
  • 3d printerverse (1 Part)
  • Keith Rogers (1 Part)
  • Sam Welch (Schreiber) (1 Part)
  • Amy Hickey (1 Part)
  • Elizabeth Stephens (1 Part)
  • Dave Forester (1 Part)
  • Joanna Seymour (1 Part)
  • Andrew Milluzzi (1 Part)
  • LTD Investments (1 Part)
  • dominique hellgeth (1 Part)
  • Christine Galo (1 Part)
  • Lee Payne (1 Part)
  • M Romero (1 Part)
  • Terry Bogayong (1 Part)
  • Joe Dwyer (1 Part)
  • Joe Foster (1 Part)
  • Kahla Gubanich (1 Part)
  • Jorge Villarreal (1 Part)
  • Robert Riggs (1 Part)
  • Holy Heck Batman (1 Part)
  • Christian Hermansen (1 Part)
  • Brian Wallingford (1 Part)
  • Rebecca Swett (1 Part)
  • Rose Romanos (1 Part)
  • Sandro Pani (1 Part)
  • cheyanne christopher (1 Part)
  • Garrison Burger (1 Part)
  • Liam Kreig (1 Part)
  • EB3D prints (1 Part)
  • Kevin Morris (1 Part)
  • Chris Spurgeon (1 Part)
  • john doe (1 Part)
  • christina white (1 Part)
  • Frederique Jauvin (1 Part)
  • David Wagndr (1 Part)
  • Scott Willson (1 Part)
  • Chris Woods (1 Part)
  • Fawn Medesha (1 Part)
  • Mike Kloc (1 Part)
  • Charles Haase (1 Part)
  • Cory Sinclair (1 Part)
  • VEI Systems (1 Part)
  • Andy Zamon (1 Part)
  • Elise Spontarelli (1 Part)
  • Brandon Heller (1 Part)
  • Jolene Gurevich (1 Part)
  • Malika Khurana (1 Part)
  • Bill Schwanitz (1 Part)
  • Yigiter Izgordu (1 Part)
  • Jonathan B (1 Part)
  • Kris Hanson (1 Part)
  • Jennifer Hannon (1 Part)
  • Andrew Alexander (1 Part)
  • Dallin Graham (1 Part)
  • Kendra Sweitzer (1 Part)
  • Chris Thompson (1 Part)
  • Carrie Cullen (1 Part)
  • bee beeanddew (1 Part)
  • Jason Ball (1 Part)
  • Clint Johns (1 Part)
  • David Price (1 Part)
  • Chad Netto (1 Part)
  • Patrick Healy (1 Part)
  • Jessica Kali (1 Part)
  • Steve Roy (1 Part)
  • Peter Wilson (1 Part)
  • Terra Moran (1 Part)
  • Cosmo Jones (1 Part)
  • Terry Chui (1 Part)
  • Jonathan Woolf (1 Part)
  • Ruby J Chase (1 Part)
  • Ken Anderson (1 Part)
  • Andrew Zamon (1 Part)
  • Jeremy Williams (1 Part)
  • Ian Fischer (1 Part)
  • George Wang (1 Part)
  • Deborah Trimble (1 Part)
  • Emily Stetzinger (1 Part)
  • Dustin Perkins (1 Part)
  • Random Stuidos (1 Part)
  • MakerLab NW Makerspace (1 Part)
  • Rellise Skye (1 Part)
  • Ruth Solomon (1 Part)
  • M Szudera (1 Part)
  • ColeGaming247 (1 Part)
  • Zach Ary (1 Part)
  • David Watts (1 Part)
  • Ian Strandberg (The Everyday Creative) (1 Part)
  • Derek Holtzman (1 Part)
  • Aaron Cammarata (1 Part)
  • Head Geek (1 Part)
  • Steven Sands (1 Part)
  • Werner Cappel (1 Part)
  • Tom L (1 Part)
  • Sean Mullin (1 Part)
  • Rich Dominelli (1 Part)
  • Andrew Fisher (1 Part)
  • Anupama Mallik (1 Part)
  • Shane Smith (1 Part)
  • Colin Donar (1 Part)
  • Carla Thacker (1 Part)
  • Will Holman (1 Part)
  • Sean Hodgins (1 Part)
  • Russell Gilder (1 Part)
  • Bill Kreig (1 Part)
  • Anne Savage (1 Part)
  • Joshua Finnell (1 Part)
  • Paul John's Life (1 Part)
  • Katy Marshall (1 Part)
  • Brighton Pic (1 Part)
  • Kate Larson (1 Part)
  • Michael Burkhardt (1 Part)
  • Garrett Greenwood (1 Part)
  • Carolina (1 Part)
  • Katrina Mendoza (1 Part)
  • Braydon Moreno (1 Part)
  • Purple Oranji (1 Part)
  • John Grant (1 Part)
  • Paul Kynerd (1 Part)
  • Elizabeth Lloyd (1 Part)
  • Lis Bokt (1 Part)
  • Tony Williams (1 Part)
  • Jakob Vith (1 Part)
  • Vivian Campbell (1 Part)
  • Matt Griffin (1 Part)
  • Donovan Bladon (1 Part)
  • Marshall Reid (1 Part)
  • Derek LaLonde (1 Part)
  • Lisa Hillard (1 Part)
  • Joyce Thompson (1 Part)
  • Nicholas Provenzano (1 Part)
  • Melissa Flowers (1 Part)
  • Micah Lande (1 Part)
  • Tim Keeley (1 Part)
  • meghan rimelspach (1 Part)
  • UtahCounty STEM (1 Part)
  • Josh Murdock (1 Part)
  • Joe Keneally (1 Part)
  • Mssy Scree (1 Part)
  • Ray's Generation (1 Part)
  • Bill Binko (1 Part)
  • Samuel Warner (1 Part)
  • Rosa Colon (1 Part)
  • James Hutter (1 Part)
  • Israel Garza (1 Part)
  • Meghan Merkert (1 Part)
  • John Richardson (1 Part)
  • Benjamin Walden (1 Part)
  • Nick Brewer (1 Part)
  • Elizabeth Gosnell (1 Part)
  • david muczyk (1 Part)
  • Laura Harland (1 Part)
  • James Lakko (1 Part)
  • Gordon Clark (1 Part)
  • JAYTEE (1 Part)
  • PPL Tech (1 Part)
  • adio vrana (1 Part)
  • Lauren Valencia (1 Part)
  • Si Devon (1 Part)
  • claudia vilardy (1 Part)
  • David Nieman (1 Part)
  • Phil Radliff (1 Part)
  • Shubha Govil (1 Part)
  • Long Island LEADS (1 Part)
  • Rewt Hearthcast (1 Part)
  • Beau Jackson (1 Part)
  • Suzanne Tkach (1 Part)
  • Aniya Chase (1 Part)
  • Holly Cargill-Cramer (1 Part)
  • Heather Rodman (1 Part)
  • J.Mills - (1 Part)
  • Autumn Dowdy (1 Part)
  • Sarah Dosary (sarah_id) (1 Part)
  • Nat Skinner (1 Part)
  • Matthew Flinchbaugh (1 Part)
  • Annemieke Zaat (1 Part)
  • Blane Sibille (1 Part)
  • Madeleine Messier (1 Part)
  • Audrey Van de Castle (1 Part)
  • Jack Matheson (1 Part)
  • Mara Cain (1 Part)
  • shelby kennedy (1 Part)
  • Liam Bird (1 Part)
  • Elaine Westbrook (1 Part)
  • Tristan Wilson (1 Part)
  • Keri Haas (1 Part)
  • kacey ortiz (1 Part)
  • David Lehane (1 Part)
  • Zack Tileston (1 Part)
  • Andy Crossman (1 Part)
  • Maddie Goldenthal (1 Part)
  • Andy Blackman (1 Part)
  • Erin Winick (1 Part)
  • Matt Vazquez (1 Part)
  • Max jkzero (1 Part)
  • kirk larson (1 Part)
  • Dean Palmer Jr (1 Part)
  • Don Drennon (1 Part)
  • Renee Blake (1 Part)
  • Stephen Grassett (1 Part)
  • Alice Clark (1 Part)
  • Antonio J. López (1 Part)
  • SFA Library (1 Part)
  • J.E. Johnson (1 Part)
  • Jean St. Arnauld (1 Part)
  • Michael Lobsinger (1 Part)
  • E C Groves (1 Part)
  • Douglas Higgins (1 Part)
  • NCS Print (1 Part)
  • Erica Liszewski (1 Part)
  • Thomas Robb (1 Part)
  • Anna Goodridge (1 Part)
  • pierre helene (1 Part)
This build required 2625 parts
We have completed 100%!

Recent Activity

Keri Haas shipped Part x6y4z13 about 6 years ago
Morgan .Strongbow shipped Part x10y13z11 about 6 years ago
Morgan .Strongbow shipped Part x16y16z8 about 6 years ago
S Silver delivered Part x6y7z8 about 6 years ago
Adrian Haber is ready to ship Part x7y14z1 about 6 years ago
Jeorge Johns claimed Part x17y15z1 about 6 years ago
Dorothy Jones-Davis delivered Part x10y19z19 about 6 years ago
Dorothy Jones-Davis delivered Part x2y12z6 about 6 years ago